Meal Planning: Knowing What to Eat to Reach Your Goals

Are you tired of stressing about meal planning and preparation to reach your weight loss goal? You may think inconsistent meal planning is just about being disorganized or lacking time. However, the "Actual Problem" often lies in how we view meal planning and our beliefs about it.

It's not a logistical issue; it's often a result of unrealistic expectations, perfectionism, and an all-or-nothing mindset. This is why I teach flexible dieting to eliminate unrealistic expectations, perfectionism, and an all-or-nothing mindset. While also allowing you to eat the foods you love while working towards your dream body!

The Fresh Hope Approach:

  • The key is to shift your perspective and adopt a flexible and practical approach to meal planning for your diet. Rather than aiming for perfection, focus on consistency.

  • No one is perfect, and no one will ever be perfect, so don’t think you’ll be.

  • Embrace the idea that not every meal needs to be a gourmet masterpiece.

  • Simplify your meals and plan for busy days by having go-to options that are easy to prepare.

This approach differs from the conventional thought that suggests eating only chicken, rice, and broccoli. We’ve all been there, and it didn’t last very long.

Restricting yourself to only healthy whole foods 100% of the time isn’t sustainable and is just flat-out boring...This is why most people can't stick to it long-term.

Solution: Flexible Dieting and Prioritizing Protein!

What is Flexible Dieting?

Flexible dieting, also known as "If It Fits Your Macros" (IIFYM), is an approach that focuses on tracking and meeting specific macronutrient (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) intake targets while allowing for a wide variety of food choices.

The core principle of flexible dieting is that as long as you meet your daily macronutrient goals, you can include a range of foods while losing weight and those that aren’t as "healthy" or nutrient-dense.

Unlike traditional diets that may restrict certain foods or food groups, flexible dieting emphasizes the importance of overall calorie and macronutrient balance.

This approach acknowledges that each person's nutritional needs and preferences are unique and aims to provide a sustainable and balanced way of eating that fits an individual's lifestyle.

Flexible dieting involves the following steps:

1. Setting Macronutrient Targets:

  • Based on factors like your age, gender, activity level, and goals (such as weight loss, muscle gain, or maintenance), you determine your daily macronutrient targets. These targets are usually expressed in grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats.

  •  Calculate your macronutrients here

2. Tracking Food Intake:

  • You track your foods and their associated macronutrient content using apps or other tools. This lets you monitor your daily intake and adjust to meet your targets.

3. Embracing Food Flexibility:

  • While prioritizing nutrient-dense foods is recommended for overall health, flexible dieting doesn't restrict any specific foods as long as they fit your daily macronutrient goals. This means you can occasionally enjoy foods that may not be considered "clean" or "healthy" as long as they fit your macros.

4. Monitoring Progress:

  • Regularly tracking your food intake and progress (such as weight changes, body composition, and energy levels) helps you assess how well you adhere to your targets and make adjustments as needed.

5. Individualization:

  • Flexible dieting acknowledges that one-size-fits-all approaches don't work for everyone. It allows you to tailor your diet to your preferences, cultural considerations, and dietary restrictions.

While flexible dieting can offer freedom and reduce the feeling of deprivation associated with strict diets, it's important to remember that overall nutritional quality still matters. This is why the 80/20 Rule has proven effective and guarantees long-lasting results. 80% of the time, choosing quality whole foods and 20% of the time eating the foods you love and enjoy!

Prioritizing nutrient-dense foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber is crucial for long-term health. But we still want to be able to enjoy the foods that we love! Ultimately, flexible dieting is a balanced and adaptable approach that emphasizes moderation, portion control, and personalization while still paying attention to nutrient intake.

Additionally, while flexible dieting may be effective for some people, it may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with specific medical conditions or who find tracking macros stressful.

For those with specific medical conditions or who don’t want to track their macros, we can use the MyPlate approach and prioritize protein in every meal.

The MyPlate approach has five main food groups: Fruits, vegetables, protein, grains, and dairy. It provides a simple visual representation of a balanced meal, making it easier for individuals to make healthier food choices and create well-rounded meals that meet their nutritional needs.

Once you start by addressing inconsistent meal planning and preparation, you'll unlock a smoother journey to your weight loss goal. “Imagine” effortlessly planning meals that fit your lifestyle, saving time, reducing stress, and contributing to overall well-being.

This transformation can be achieved in weeks, setting you on a sustainable path to healthier eating habits.

The Fresh Hope for a Better YOU Program has guided over 40+ Clients on overcoming inconsistent meal planning through flexible dieting, allowing them to reach their goal of losing 20+ pounds and keeping it off!

Here is how this problem-solving approach has transformed clients' lives, paving the way for a less stressful and healthier lifestyle!

Client Story

Randy, one of our clients, struggled with inconsistent meal planning due to his demanding schedule. He thought he needed to eat the same bland chicken, rice, and vegetables daily to lose the 20+ pounds and be healthier.

Our program helped him realize that the flexibility and simplicity of flexible macro tracking were vital. He shifted his mindset, prioritizing every meal to hit his daily protein goal. This allowed him to enjoy other foods he loved, be more consistent with his meals, and find healthier options.


Over time, Randy found meal planning less daunting and more manageable. He saved time and energy while also achieving his weight loss goal of losing 20 pounds and improving his energy levels. This shift changed his eating habits and influenced his overall approach to knowing what to eat and how much to eat!

The Fresh Hope Program guides you through becoming the best version of yourself, helping you bridge the gap between inconsistent meal planning and a healthier lifestyle.

Always remember, there is a Fresh Hope for a Better YOU!



Are you a busy professional who wants to lose 20+ pounds and keep it off for good? Are you ready to embark on this journey towards becoming the person you were meant to be? Your path to a better you starts here!

There are two ways Fresh Hope can help you!

1: Check out the three tiers of our coaching programs, and let's find the solution to your problems!

2: Join Team Fresh Hopes Free Private Facebook community!


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