Without the right mindset, you will never reach your goals or become the person you were meant to be.

Before developing a growth mindset, I never understood why my life wasn’t moving in the right direction. As a 19-year-old entrepreneur, I thought I was the best and knew everything. This kept me from learning and developing new skills to help my company grow. It turns out I didn’t know anything!

    1. Your mindset shapes your outlook and perception of reality, allowing you to turn obstacles into growth opportunities.

    2. Your mindset influences your daily habits and disciplines.

    3. Your mindset impacts relationships in every area of your personal and professional life.

    1. I started investing in personal development by hiring a coach/mentor, reading books, and joining a group of like-minded individuals.

    2. Reflect on your beliefs, asking yourself if these are your true beliefs or beliefs imposed on me while growing up. Then replace the limiting beliefs and thoughts with empowering ones.

    3. Surround yourself with like-minded, growth-focused individuals.

  • The most powerful force on earth is that we become consistent with the expectations of our peer groups.

    1. You will get out of life what the people around you expect.

    2. Proximity is power; the closer someone is to you, the more influence they have over you.

    3. You must evaluate personal relationships.

    The foundation of all successful relationships is: Does this person believe in me?

Since adopting a growth mindset, developing my skills and discipline, and creating healthier habits, my life has made a complete 180-degree turnaround. It all started with me cultivating the right mindset.