Why eating too little Is keeping you fat!!

I want to explain why eating too little could be keeping you fat! This is one of the most popular topics I often discuss, so let this be a reminder that undereating could be the note of your frustration If a calorie deficit is needed for fat loss to occur. How is it possible that eating too little results in gaining body fat?

Let’s use a real-life example to explain it.

Charlie was displeased with himself because she gained over 80 pounds over several years. He felt like it kept creeping on gradually, and she expected the weight gain to stop, but it never did. Eventually, he was fed up and ready to make a change. Timing is everything.

His gym was doing a 16-week challenge that was the perfect kickstart to Charlie’s weight loss efforts. Sitting around 250 lbs, Charlie hoped to lose a good chunk of the 80 lbs he had gained. Maybe 30-40 through the challenge and then continue to work off the remaining 40-50 on his own.

The challenge started, and Charlie was feeling great!! Working out consistently and following the meal plan, even though it was hard to follow. Charlie was motivated by the results. He was eating around 1,400 calories per day and doing most circuit-based cardio workouts.

The scale was dropping each week, so he busted his ass to stay consistent. Fighting off hunger, low energy, intense cravings, and overall crankiness. Charlie wanted to finish what she started.

Fast forward 16 weeks, and he was down 30 lbs. He was feeling accomplished and proud of herself.

Then came the body scan.

Charlie found out that half of the weight he lost was muscle. He lost 18 lbs of fat and 12 pounds of muscle, but he wouldn’t let that stop him. But now that the challenge was over, he felt she could let up and not be so strict. I mean, who wants to fight off intense hunger and cravings forever?

So he started eating a little bit more like before the challenge. He hadn’t learned any sustainable habits, so he defaulted to what he used to do.

It felt good to get some energy back and not be craving sugar all the damn time; however, after a couple of weeks. Charlie noticed his clothes getting tight again.

He felt extremely frustrated and mad at himself. How could he do this after making so much progress?

That sent him into a short tailspin where he overindulged while feeling sorry for himself. Why even bother? Then came the gut punch. Charlie wanted to start over. So he went back to his gym and did another body scan.

He had gained back every pound he lost. It was all fat and no muscle! Not only was Charlie starting back at square one, but they had an even worse body composition and the real kicker. His metabolism was now slower than before.

Why? Because Charlie had less muscle and more body fat. Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. In other words, if you took two identical 250 lb individuals, everything about them was the same except that one had more muscle. That individual with more muscle would have a faster metabolism.

They would burn more calories daily, meaning they could eat more without gaining weight or reduce body fat on higher calories than those with less muscle.

So you can see that Charlie did a number on his metabolism. And what do you think his solution was? To return to the challenge's meal plan, I mean, “it worked,” right? Cutting calories seems to be the go-to plan when frustration hits.

But now, he has an even slower metabolism, so her body doesn’t respond like the first time. The weight loss is much slower, and the hunger and cravings are almost unbearable.

Let me stop you here because this is a real example that is all too common. You could replace Charlie with Oliver and change some minor details, and it would be my exact story.

This is precisely how eating too little can lead to gaining more fat.

I could have just told you that research shows a strong correlation between dieting attempts and weight gain. But that’s not as powerful as spelling and detailing how it happens.

The question is…. What to do about it?

For starters, we want to ensure you’re supporting your metabolism with the right amount of food and types. I call it metabolic priming, which essentially means we want you to be able to eat more calories while losing body fat and improving body composition. This is accomplished through total calories, ratio of macronutrients, and food quality.

It also means monitoring the stress in your life and paying attention to biofeedback markers like energy, hunger, cravings, mood, sleep, etc.

Your body will tell us everything we need to know. It’s just a matter of listening.

We also want to ensure you’re training and eating to support muscle building or at least maintaining. The reason is what I explained above and how it will improve your metabolism.

Other reasons include better nutrient absorption, partitioning, and looking better naked (Aka Achieving the lean and toned physique you desire.)

Ultimately, we want to filter everything through the lens of sustainability. If it makes you miserable, you won’t maintain it. Two things exponentially increase sustainability and consistency.

  1. Incorporating things you enjoy, like date nights, alcohol, social events, fun foods, etc.

  2. Eating foods that support your brain chemistry based on your personality type. You’ll feel more like yourself, have less overall stress on your system, and notice a more balanced mood.

Those things will continue to progress and lose fat more effectively, but, most importantly, it will ensure that the results are permanent, not temporary.

We utilize This process for our 1:1 clients in our 12- and 6-month coaching program. They can lose between 20+ pounds sustainably while maintaining a strong metabolic function, allowing them to continue progressing.

It’s perfect for anyone who has struggled with similar experiences, such as Charlie (and Myself), and wants to end the frustration of failed dieting attempts and finally achieve the physical results they desire.

Or if you want to avoid all the frustration and wasted time that comes with unsustainable diets.

If you are interested, simply PM me on Facebook or Instagram or reply to this email and let me know!

Much Love,

Coach Oliver


Meal Planning: Knowing What to Eat to Reach Your Goals