The Importance of Macronutrients and Micronutrients for Weight Loss

How Chris lost 20 pounds and got shredded without having to eat less!

Chris was frustrated; he worked out five days a week. He counted calories but was dragging ass through his days and training. He understood how to create a caloric deficit but still could not achieve the body composition he wanted.

He was spinning his wheels and Googled every plan out there; he was confident his deficit was correct but still couldn’t get there.

Chris was missing one small piece of the puzzle.

Calories in calories out, right?

Well kind of…

When looking over Chris’s intake, we realized he was underconsuming protein and fiber. (Veggies, fruits, oats)

He was bored as shit and burnt out too.

So we tweaked his diet.. adding in more fiber for energy and more protein for fat loss and muscle gain. Chris’s body responded immediately, a few pounds down in week one, and then 20 more. He needed the right fuel for his body, not just food.

He lost fat, AND his energy levels improved. His workouts were more effective and enjoyable. He was able to eat more food and see results. There’s a reason we call ourselves The Fresh Hope for a Better YOU.

Doing it alone can feel impossible. A fresh set of eyes on the plan makes all the difference. Chris is not working on building more lean body mass but on a body composition, he is proud of. He understands how to eat to fuel his workouts instead of just cutting calories.

The problem of most people like Chris is the lack of understanding about the importance of a balanced intake of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).

These nutrients are vital in optimizing health, energy levels, and weight loss success.

The belief that tracking only calories is the way to lose weight is not entirely wrong.

However, it's not sustainable, so Flexible dieting and macro tracking is the approach I chose that helped me lose over 80 pounds, keep it off, and improve my energy levels and relationship with food.

Understanding that achieving your dream physique and successful and sustainable weight loss requires more than counting and cutting calories.

A balanced intake of macronutrients and micronutrients is crucial for reaching your weight loss goals and desired body composition.

Proteins provide the building blocks for muscles, support satiety, and aid in muscle recovery.

Carbohydrates are your primary fuel source (unless you do keto), providing energy for workouts and daily activities.

While fats support hormone production, cognitive function, and overall well-being.

Micronutrients are the essential vitamins and minerals fuel countless physiological processes in the body.

Micro Nutrient Vs. Car Analogy:

Macronutrients (Protein, Carbs, Fats) are like the gas you put into your car.

You need gas for your car to run and get you from point A to point B, just like your body needs fuel (macronutrients).

The micronutrients are equivalent to the oil in your car.

Your body is using micronutrients 24/7.

Your car uses oil every time you drive.

Every 3-5k miles, the oil needs to be changed for your car to run smoothly and avoid issues.

The same goes for your body and micronutrients; they must be replenished daily because you use them daily.

Otherwise, you risk feeling like Chris, with low energy levels, brain fog, plateaus in his progress, and a lack of motivation to continue the journey.

By focusing on a balanced intake of macronutrients and micronutrients, you'll unleash a transformation in your health and fitness journey.

Imagine having sustained energy levels, faster recovery from workouts, improved mood, and enhanced overall vitality.

This shift in understanding allows you to break free from the tunnel vision of calorie counting and embrace a more sustainable approach to nutrition.

By embracing this shift in your belief, you'll break free from the confines of calorie counting and take steps toward becoming the best version of yourself!

Always remember, there is a Fresh Hope for a Better YOU!



Are you a busy professional who wants to lose 20+ pounds and keep it off for good? Are you ready to embark on this journey towards becoming the person you were meant to be? Your path to a better you starts here!

There are two ways Fresh Hope can help you!

1: Check out the three tiers of our coaching programs, and let's find the solution to your problems!

2: Join Team Fresh Hopes Free Private Facebook community!


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